For Squirrels

Message Board - Keeping them alive in NY

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Keeping them alive in NY Posted by: steve on: 2010-12-23 00:14:57 (post a reply)
Still listen to this great band after all these years. It's a shame there is such a small sample of music for us. I've been searching for one of those songs, Van Gogh, for about a decade. Does anyone have an mp3 they could email?

Re: Keeping them alive in NY Posted by: fsu! on: 2010-12-24 00:59:15 (post a reply)
I looked for the tune then I finally bought Relaxing the Undertow on Amazon.

Currently Listening to: Van Gogh
Re: Keeping them alive in NY Posted by: jp on: 2011-01-13 22:19:14 (post a reply)
for squirells is avail.on this site for download in the directory right click save target as

Currently Listening to: camel 1973 snow goose

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