For Squirrels

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Re: 13 years Posted by: Trey on: 2009-02-25 16:07:03
I keep getting cut off. Dang. What up with that?
My guess is that it doesnt recognize certain characters. Deleting and trying again. Its so appropriate for this post... Sorry everyone.

A lot late in replying here, but I remember Jack giving it a go with a unicycle on stage one night in G-ville while the band banged away at the ending of unicycle. It was one of the most entertaining things Ive ever seen a band do live and I will never forget it. Your comment about him never giving up in the bloodied soccer game reminded me of how he tried to get up on a unicycle and ride it in front of everyone. He wiped out over and over and over while the band kicked out musical chaos. Jack got back up each time to see if he could get it right. He never did. If my memory serves me correct I think he crawled off stage that night. It was beautiful.

Tayloe, your story of little Billy is awesome. Im so glad to hear you and John are so happy and sorry for being such a facebook non responding punk.


Re: 13 years Posted by: Trey on: 2009-02-25 15:54:03
Let me try that again: A lot late in replying here, but I remember Jack giving it a go with a unicycle on stage one night in G-ville while the band banged away at the ending of the song unicycle. It was one of the most entertaining things I
Re: 13 years Posted by: Trey on: 2009-02-25 15:47:59
A lot late in replying here, but I remember Jack giving it a go with a unicycle on stage one night in G-ville while the band banged away at the ending of
Re: 13 years Posted by: Steve Hartford on: 2008-12-18 19:26:56
Being an '93 East Lake Alum and having played Soccer with Jack his senior, my sophomore, year. I remember how much it hurt when i found out. We played Tarpon and I remember Jack going up for a header, I remember him playing the rest of the game with a blood soaked bandage around his head.

Whenever I listen to For Squirrels, I always remember that Jack would not be taken out of the game. It always reminds me to keep going with my own music.

For Squirrels never fail to inspire me when I need it the most.

Thanks Guys, wherever you may find yourselves...your music and memory will always live on.
Re: 13 years Posted by: Jonathan Litwinowicz on: 2008-09-13 21:43:03
I first heard For Squirrels on the radio as a kid when I lived for a brief time in central PA. I remember being a musical sponge at that point in my life and I payed close attention to the name of the band when it was said after the song, The Mighty KC. I filed that band name away in my head for years, then I finally found their CD in a store when I moved back to Philly. When I took it home and listened to the whole thing for the first time I was an instant fan. The music was incredible, the lyrics were amazing. I used to sing along to all the songs in my car on my way home from work, the sun setting in the background. They have been the soundtrack for some of my life's most beautiful moments. Although I never knew them personally I will always miss their music and what they could have done given a little bit more time on this planet. A great band and an insiration indeed. They will be missed.
Re: 13 years Posted by: Supergrover on: 2008-09-11 01:04:30
patch of listening
Re: 13 years Posted by: Supergrover on: 2008-09-11 00:55:14
Still lovin' them this long since. I only knew Mighty K.C. from the radio and a couple songs from Baypath from a cousin in FL.

Now, just from mentioning them to an artist on thesixtyone, there is (I really hope) a surge of new listeners to the music. Considering the band that covered the first album by themselves, it's one of the most tight albums I've ever heard. Better than example, in my opinion.
Re: 13 years Posted by: Adam on: 2008-09-10 14:42:26
I still enjoy introducing new people to For Squirrels and as long as I'm alive their two albums will be in heavy rotation. I recently had a conversation with another fan about the band's legacy and we concluded they are more than a cool group. Their music inspires and takes us back to another time. Thanks for the words, God bless
Re: 13 years Posted by: Dreamweaver's Kid on: 2008-09-09 21:02:26
It's amazing how their presence is still all around us even after all this time. I had a recent encounter where the day seemed far too long and on my way home I received a phone call asking me about some of the boys lyrics. Needless to say when I recited them it changed my day completely and my cousin who was on the line seemed overcome by the irony and emotion as well. These men were all great in their own special way and that is why when they came together as one they created something so strong that it could touch so many people in ways we could never truly imagine or understand. Their memories will live on forever and they will continue to be a part of our lives.

For Squirrels For Ever!
Thank You Jack, Bill, and Tim
Rest Peacefully tonight.
God Bless

P.S. You tell that little man to sing proud and strong becuase that is an amazing song! The boys are certainly smiling down apon him.
13 years Posted by: Tayloe White on: 2008-09-08 22:55:40
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who is remembering Bill, Jack and Tim today. It means a lot to us that their music is still being appreciated. It was so weird today- while getting out of the car from kindergarten our six year old son (whom we named after his Uncle Bill) out of nowhere started singing the line from Flagboy... "the flagboy has been found." We hadn't told him that today was the anniversary. When we walked inside and I looked at the clock it was 4pm. Sort of weird in a good kind of way. Anyway--thanks.

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