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Re: Subrosa NEW SHOW/Travis news Posted by: OrlandoMusicGuy on: 2019-05-02 04:20:21
Wow - I just popped in here to see if the site was still up, and I find out about these shows! Are there any sites or FB pages for these new projects? Incredible to hear this has happened. Come play Social or Soundbar!
Re: Subrosa NEW SHOW/Travis news Posted by: Josh J on: 2019-01-10 19:46:39
Same. Would love to hear how it went or see a video. Would also love it if they could make it to the west coast
Re: Subrosa NEW SHOW/Travis news Posted by: B on: 2018-11-21 05:59:30
Same here...please share!
Re: Subrosa NEW SHOW/Travis news Posted by: Kevin on: 2018-11-21 03:01:01
How did this show go? Would love to hear about it. Anyone record it?
Re: Subrosa NEW SHOW/Travis news Posted by: Mark Murray on: 2018-11-10 14:57:52
Is anyone going planning on filming this? I would love to see it on Youtube one day for I'm in NY
Re: Subrosa NEW SHOW/Travis news Posted by: B on: 2018-10-13 23:09:22
Fucking rad! I know the northwest is 3000 miles away, but I'll hope for a show here regardless. More likely, I'll make it back to Fl sometime. I hope the show's go well...consider recording it for those of us who miss the bootlegs, please!
Subrosa NEW SHOW/Travis news Posted by: Ty on: 2018-10-10 14:47:20
Hey folks! Kind of brain splitting news here: Travis's new project "Helixglow" is off the ground and doing very well. They are playing more frequently and will be coming to Savannah, GA to play a show at El Rocko club on November 9th. My group is opening up for them and Travis and I have discussed joining up for a surprise For Squirrels tune! Helixglow will also be joining us the next night for a few songs at a Rolling Stones Tribute show also in Savannah. Then on November 16 at the High Dive in Gainesville, SUBROSA is playing a show!!! The show is a supporting a book release which I believe chronicles the Covered Dish's best years. Hope to see some of you friends and finally meet in person others at the upcoming shows!

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