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Re: thanks to For Squirrels, everyone Posted by: jp on: 2017-04-30 15:30:35
Glad others are still coming around and sharing memories. I really enjoyed these posts
Re: thanks to For Squirrels, everyone Posted by: guest on: 2017-02-18 18:12:02
To clear up any confusion I ended my post with "Travis and Jack". I can see now how it leads you to believe the post is from them. It is not. I was trying to convey that Travis and Jack are the example. I respect them tremendously and appreciate their continued example.
Re: thanks to For Squirrels, everyone Posted by: b on: 2017-02-07 18:31:01
If it's really you guys, know that people still care. I'd always love more new stuff, too, for the record.
Re: thanks to For Squirrels, everyone Posted by: guest on: 2017-02-03 05:21:10
This is an amazing type of post. Give and Take
Re: thanks to For Squirrels, everyone Posted by: guest on: 2017-01-14 23:00:34
I agree. Thanks for sharing your heart. It touched me and made me smile. I too visit here often. Over the years, its turned into a quiet space to reflect and take inventory. Those were special times and relationships. It is very clear the boys still share their message of life today. Whatever that cliche means, all I know is I'm still here. At that time, I only had a relationship with Bill. He is a part of some of my favorite memories growing up. High School is a challenge for everyone. With parents, image, angst, God, girls and all that other junk. So finding a group of friends that accept nothing less than you being your awkward self was the jam. He knew my heart, saw my insecurities and f ups and loved me anyway. I'm thankful I seek out relationships like that today. I miss him. He is gone and they are gone. Final. Life and all it's brokenness is such a gift. I sometimes wonder what they would say when I'm pissin and moanin about life. What they wouldn't give to make my mistakes and have what I have now...relationships, a wife and kids who love you despite it all. Heaven and hope are right know. So, if you're looking for an example by all means listen to the music but heed the message. Life and example live on in the simple things. The hard things. The show up and stay true to yourself things no matter the cost or opinions. Mistakes, Sacrifice, selfless, challenge, adventure and fun. Travis and Jack.
Re: thanks to For Squirrels, everyone Posted by: jlc on: 2016-12-13 02:38:32
Sorry: re-posting this correctly!: I read the lyrics and listened along, looked at the pictures, the links, and all of the Msg. Board. Thanks to everyone who has cared about this band as much and for as long or even longer than I have. Thanks for celebrating this band, and the culture it comes from, for so long. Thanks for keeping this website up for me to come back to again and again.
thanks to For Squirrels, everyone Posted by: jlc on: 2016-12-13 02:35:56
I read the lyrics and listened along, looked at the pictures, the links, and all of the Msg. Board. Thanks to everyone who has cared as much as about this time for as long or even longer than I have. Thanks for celebrating this band, and the culture it comes from, for so long. Thanks for keeping this website up for me to come back to again and again.

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