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Re: Update on Travis from IPR?? Posted by: Josh on: 2012-09-10 17:01:17
Agreed. Facebook is a great place to post a couple tracks and get people interested and sharing it.
Re: Update on Travis from IPR?? Posted by: b on: 2012-08-29 06:00:39
why don't you just start by simply posting it for free on facebook? things have changed a lot, absolutely, and part of that is that it's very difficult to get lots of people to buy songs they haven't even heard yet. post it, and also sell it on itunes. less money up front, but it'll give his new stuff a chance at an audience outside the few people reading this site.

my post a while ago has links to both songs, but the more people have to dig and work to find something now, the less they will. i dig, but that's just me.
Re: Update on Travis from IPR?? Posted by: IPR on: 2012-08-29 00:16:17
"More or Less," the other song recorded along with "Recyclesaurus," will be live in iTunes as early as tomorrow. I wish I had more concrete news, but lots of variables at play, many beyond our control.

Travis fans - While we are feverishly trying to promote "Recyclesaurus" to radio and press, if you have ANY WAY to try and get this song heard (friends in radio, old FS fans, friends in TV, etc), IPR and Travis would be forever grateful. The industry has changed so much over the past 5 years, and this needs to be heard. Please pass the song to everyone you can! Thanks.
Update on Travis from IPR?? Posted by: RSS76 on: 2012-08-14 03:53:06
Any news regarding new music and/or touring?

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