For Squirrels

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the "missed:? post from this morning (Read Second Posted by: an onny moose on: 2007-10-23 20:22:39
Anonymous said...
V is for Very bluesy feeling; there are some nice chord arrangements. it seems to be more than one song, perhaps a mash-up, or a medely? it reminds me of the sounds of other bands in gainesville back in the day.

i would like to know more about Mark, and his musical path. The music is layered and multi-tracked and well-structured, and the solos have feeling.

I could hear a bit of Jack in the vocal influxions, and would like to hear more of that. I would also like to hear more growling and barking, to complement the howling or bellowing. The blues have a tendency to make people sound sad, like hound dogs, and if you are not Elvis, it doesn't really work.

remember how Sister Hazel sounded like dying cats on a stage?

whereas For Squirrels sounded more like hyper pitbull terriers, and Wolves.

Also, Jack had several qualities about his voice, he could whine and beg and plead and cry with his singing voice, and it made me cry listening to him wrestle and struggle with the feelings as he wrung them out. there is a certain fearlessness that he embodied, and that, I think, was picked up by all. Jack's energy was infectious, contagious.

He could really grab you and throw you around with his voice. Thrash around a bit. That is what I would like to hear from Mark, that "V" Voice.

I also appreciated the crunchier guitar riffs over the guitar soloing. There was some border-line cheese in there, not quite wank, but still kinda a throw-back to 80's guitar gods. I mean, humor has a place in music, and dated guitar techniques are still a viable option provided the artist or song does not take itself too seriously. There was a moment there in gaineville where some bands were taking themselves too seriously, or something. i dont know why some of those bands back then were not good, but there were serious poseurs on the scene. For Squirrels were kinda dorky at first but obviously rocked extremely hard.

The thing I like about this Tribute song is that it is Sincere, not so serious. there is an important difference. You can tell there is feeling as well as thought and intellect behind this song. it has a message, but is not preachy.

it is obvious that Mark can play guitar and sing and write song arrangements, and that he has passion. I would like to hear an entire album of songs, showing a range of emotions and themes.

I would like to hear what his musical interests are, and influences, and what his philosophies of life are.

October 23, 2007 9:12 PM

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