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Re: Velmas? Posted by: mike grosshandler on: 2007-09-05 22:17:54
hey, that's my band! awesome our version of orangeworker came up on pandora. great site. the velmas are working pretty hard at not being quite so "obscure"... but anyway, we actually released our version of OW on an EP of ours a couple years ago when the FS tribute sorta fell apart. if you're at all interested, it's on itunes and a bunch of other places (including physical cds and mp3). the EP is called "Recess". (we've since released a full album on city canyons records called "Station", which is also out in similar places.)
Re: Velmas? Posted by: Max Mooney on: 2007-07-04 08:11:46
The Velmas are also on the Milk From A Fountain tribute and will be available on my blog soon. The first track from the tribute is up now.
Re: Velmas? Posted by: Bob on: 2007-01-03 03:12:45
I have Baypath Road and Plymouth that I purchased on eBay awhile back. Expect to pay big bucks if you ever find it again. I paid some ridiculous amount like $150 for my copy.(Also found a green Example T-shirt a few years ago--pretty cool.)
Re: Velmas? Posted by: Burton on: 2006-12-30 22:19:38
It's just an obscure band. And it is almost impossible to find copies of For Squirrels's first album and E.P. You have to just get lucky. I've seen Baypath Rd. on eBay once.
Velmas? Posted by: Erika on: 2006-12-21 18:17:19
I have been a fan of For Squirrels for god knows how many years. I still pull out "Example" every couple of months. Today I was listening to and "Orangeworker" came on, performed by a band called the Velmas. Has anyone heard this?

Also, do you know where I can get the other two CDs?

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